This is the 3rd year I visited Punchbowl National Memorial Cemetery on Memorial Day. I was fortunate to have friends and fellow photographers and a new friend from OPMUG with me.
Should you visit the chapel on the right side of the cross is a symbol that looks much like a boat's wheel. It is the Buddhist Wheel of Dharma or Wheel of Life. It is the symbol that has represented dharma, the
Buddha's teaching of the path to
enlightenment, since the early period of
Indian Buddhism.
If you plan on visiting and would like to find a specific grave, the following link may be helpful:
Few national cemeteries can compete with the dramatic natural setting
of the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific. The “Punchbowl” was
formed some 75,000 to 100,000 years ago during the Honolulu period of
secondary volcanic activity. A crater resulted from the ejection of hot
lava through cracks in the old coral reefs which, at the time, extended
to the foot of the Koolau Mountain Range.
Although there are various translations of the Punchbowl’s Hawaiian
name, “Puowaina,” the most common is “Hill of Sacrifice.” This
translation closely relates to the history of the crater. The first
known use was as an altar where Hawaiians offered human sacrifices to
pagan gods and the killed violators of the many taboos. Later, during
the reign of Kamehameha the Great, a battery of two cannons was mounted
at the rim of the crater to salute distinguished arrivals and signify
important occasions. Early in the 1880s, leasehold land on the slopes of
the Punchbowl opened for settlement and in the 1930s, the crater was
used as a rifle range for the Hawaii National Guard. Toward the end of
World War II, tunnels were dug through the rim of the crater for the
placement of shore batteries to guard Honolulu Harbor and the south edge
of Pearl Harbor.
During the late 1890s, a committee recommended that the Punchbowl
become the site for a new cemetery to accommodate the growing population
of Honolulu. The idea was rejected for fear of polluting the water
supply and the emotional aversion to creating a city of the dead above a
city of the living.
Fifty years later, Congress authorized a small appropriation to
establish a national cemetery in Honolulu with two provisions: that the
location be acceptable to the War Department, and that the site would be
donated rather than purchased. In 1943, the governor of Hawaii offered
the Punchbowl for this purpose. The $50,000 appropriation proved
insufficient, however, and the project was deferred until after World
War II. By 1947, Congress and veteran organizations placed a great deal
of pressure on the military to find a permanent burial site in Hawaii
for the remains of thousands of World War II servicemen on the island of
Guam awaiting permanent burial. Subsequently, the Army again began
planning the Punchbowl cemetery; in February 1948 Congress approved
funding and construction began.
Prior to the opening of the cemetery for the recently deceased, the
remains of soldiers from locations around the Pacific Theater—including
Wake Island and Japanese POW camps—were transported to Hawaii for final
interment. The first interment was made Jan. 4, 1949. The cemetery
opened to the public on July 19, 1949, with services for five war dead:
an unknown serviceman, two Marines, an Army lieutenant and one
civilian—noted war correspondent Ernie Pyle. Initially, the graves at
National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific were marked with white wooden
crosses and Stars of David—like the American cemeteries abroad—in
preparation for the dedication ceremony on the fourth anniversary of V-J
Day. Eventually, over 13,000 soldiers and sailors who died during World
War II would be laid to rest in the Punchbowl.
Despite the Army’s extensive efforts to inform the public that the
star- and cross-shaped grave markers were only temporary, an outcry
arose in 1951 when permanent flat granite markers replaced them. A
letter from the Quartermaster General to Senator Paul Douglas in
December 1952, explained that while individual markers are inscribed
according to the appropriate religious faith:
Crosses do not mark the graves of the dead of our country
in other national cemeteries. No cross marks the burial of our revered
Unknown Soldier. From Arlington to Golden Gate, from Puerto Rico to
Hawaii, the Government’s markers in national cemeteries for all our
hero—dead are of the traditional designs…[s]ome are upright and some are
flat. None is in the form of a religious emblem.
The National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific was the first such
cemetery to install Bicentennial Medal of Honor headstones, the medal
insignia being defined in gold leaf. On May 11, 1976, a total of 23 of
these were placed on the graves of medal recipients, all but one of whom
were killed in action. The Punchbowl has become one of the area’s most
popular tourist destinations. More than five million visitors come to
the cemetery each year to pay their respects to the dead and to enjoy
the panoramic view from the Punchbowl. One of the most breathtaking
views of the Island of Oahu can be found while standing at the highest
point on the crater’s rim.
In August 2001, about 70 generic unknown markers for the graves of
men known to have died during the attack on Pearl Harbor were replaced
with markers that included “USS Arizona” after it was determined they
perished on this vessel. In addition, new information that identified
grave locations of 175 men whose graves were previously marked as
unknown resulted in the installation of new markers in October 2002. The
National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific was placed on the National
Register of Historic Places in 1976.
Monuments and Memorials
The National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific contains a memorial
pathway that is lined with a variety of memorials that honor America’s
veterans from various organizations. As of 2008, there were 56 such
memorials throughout the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific—most
commemorating soldiers of 20th-century wars, including those killed at
Pearl Harbor.
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Medal of Honor Recipients
First Lieutenant Willibald C. Bianchi, (World War II), U.S. Army. Bagac,
Province of Bataan, Philippine Islands, Feb. 3, 1942 (Section MA, Grave
Private Erwin Jay Boydston, (Boxer Rebellion), U.S. Marine Corps. Peking, China, July 21 – Aug. 17, 1900 (Section G, Grave 703).
Private First Class William Robert Caddy, (World War II), U.S. Marine
Corps Reserve, Company I, 3rd Battalion, 26th Marines, 5th Marine
Division. Iwo Jima, March 3, 1945 (Section C, Grave 81).
First Lieutenant George Ham Cannon, (World War II) U.S. Marine Corps,
Battery H, 6th Defense Battalion, Fleet Marine Force. Sand Island,
Midway Islands, Dec. 7, 1941 (Section C, Grave 1644).
Corporal Anthony Peter Damato, (World War II), U.S. Marine Corps.
Engebi Island, Eniwetok Atoll, Marshal Islands, Feb. 19, 1944 (Section
A, Grave 334).
Sergeant William G. Fournier, (World War II), U.S. Army, Company M,
35th Infantry, 25th Infantry Division. Mount Austen, Guadalcanal,
Solomon Islands, Jan. 13, 1943 (Section C, Grave 462).
Pharmacist’s Mate Second Class William David Halyburton, Jr., (World
War II), U.S. Naval Reserve, Marine Rifle Company, 2nd Battalion, 5th
Marines, 1st Marine Division. Okinawa, Ryukyu Islands, May 10, 1945
(Section O, Grave 274).
Private Mikio Hasemoto, (World War II), U.S. Army, Company B, 100th
Infantry Battalion, 34th Infantry Division. Cerasuolo, Italy, Nov. 29,
1943 (Section D, Grave 338).
First Lieutenant William Dean Hawkins, (World War II), U.S. Marine
Corps, Scout Sniper Platoon, Assault Regiment. Tarawa, Gilbert Island,
Nov. 21, 1943 (Section B, Grave 646).
Chief Boatswain Edwin Joseph Hill, (World War II), U.S. Navy. Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, Dec. 7, 1941 (Section A, Grave 895).
Staff Sergeant Robert T. Kuroda, (World War II), U.S. Army, Company
H, 442nd Infantry Regiment, 34th Infantry Division. Bruyeres, France,
Oct. 20, 1944 (Section D, Grave 92).
Corporal Larry Leonard Maxam, (Vietnam War), U.S. Marine Corps, Fire
Team Leader, Company D, 1st Battalion, 4th Marines, 3rd Marine Division.
Cam Lo District, Republic of South Vietnam, Feb. 2, 1968 (Section J,
Grave 388).
Private First Class Martin O. May, (World War II), U.S. Army.
Iegusuku-Yama, Ie Shima, Ryukyu Islands, April 23, 1945 (Section N,
Grave 1242).
Gunnery Sergeant Robert Howard McCard, (World War II), U.S. Marine
Corps, Platoon Sergeant, Company A, 4th Tank Battalion, 4th Marine
Division. Saipan, Marianas Islands, June 16, 1944 (Section B, Grave
Sergeant LeRoy A. Mendonca, (Korean War), U.S. Army, Company B., 7th
Infantry, 3d Division. Chichi-on, July 4, 1951 (Section Q, Grave 1408).
Private First Class Kaoru Moto, (World War II), U.S. Army, Company C,
100th Infantry Battalion, 34th Infantry Division. Castellina, Italy,
July 7, 1944 (Court 2, Wall F, Row 400, Niche 422).
Sergeant Joseph E. Muller, (World War II), U.S. Army, Company B,
305th Infantry, 77th Infantry Division. May 16, 1945 (Section N, Grave
Private Masato Nakae, (World War II), U.S. Army, Company A, 100th
Infantry Battalion, 34th Infantry Division. Pisa, Italy, Aug. 19, 1944
(Section U, Grave 1446).
Private Shinyei Nakamine, (World War II), U.S. Army, Company B, 100th
Infantry Battalion, 34th Infantry Division. La Torreto, Italy, June 2,
1944 (Section D, Grave 402).
Sergeant Allan M. Ohata, (World War II), U.S. Army, Company B, 100th
Infantry Battalion, 34th Infantry Division. Cerasuolo, Italy, Nov. 29
and 30, 1943 (Section III, Grave 474).
Private Joseph William Ozbourn, (World War II), U.S. Marine Corps,
1st Battalion 23rd Marines, 4th Marine Division. Tinian Island, Marianas
Islands, July 30, 1944 (Section F, Grave 77).
Private First Class Herbert K. Pililaau, (Korean War), U.S. Army,
Company C, 23rd Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division. Pia-Ri, Sept.
17, 1951 (Section P, Grave 127).
Radio Electrician Thomas James Reeves, (World War II), U.S. Navy. On
board U.S.S. California, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, Dec. 7, 1941 (Section A,
Grave 884).
Second Lieutenant Joseph R. Sarnoski, (World War II), US Army Air
Corps. Buka, Solomon Islands, June 16, 1943 (Section A, Grave 582).
Staff Sergeant Elmelindo R. Smith, (Vietnam War), U.S. Army. Feb. 16, 1967 (Section W, Grave 131).
Sergeant Grant Frederick Timmerman, (World War II), U.S. Marine Corps
Tank Commander, 2nd Battalion, 6th Marine, 2nd Marine Division. Saipan,
Marianas Islands, July 8, 1944 (Section A, Grave 844).
Captain Francis B. Wai, (World War II), U.S. Army, 34th Infantry
Regiment. Leyte, Philippines Islands, Oct. 20, 1944 (Section Q, Grave
First Lieutenant Benjamin F. Wilson, (Korean War), U.S. Army, Company
I, 31st Infantry Regiment, 7th Infantry Division. Hwach`on-Myon, Korea,
June 5, 1951 (Section A, Grave 1060-A).
Sergeant First Class Rodney J. T. Yano, (Vietnam War), U.S. Army, Air
Cavalry Troop, 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment. Bien Hoa, Vietnam, Jan.
1, 1969 (Section W, Grave 614).
Technical Sergeant Yeiki Kobashigawa, (World War II), U.S. Army,
Company B, 100th Infantry Battalion, 34th Infantry Division. Lanuvio,
Italy, June 22, 1944 (Court 8, Wall E, Row 500, Niche 536).
Private Shizuya Hayashi, (World War II), U.S. Army, Company A, 100th
Infantry Battalion, 34th Infantry Division. Cerasuolo, Italy, Nov. 29,
1943 (Section V, Grave 464).
John A. Burns, U.S. Army, Section N, Grave 828-A, former Governor of the State of Hawaii, interred on April 9, 1975.
Spark Masayuki Matsunaga, Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army, Section V,
Grave 334-B, former U.S. Senator, interred on April 19, 1990.
Patsy Takemoto Mink, Section U, Grave 1001-B, U.S. Representative,
Hawaii, interred on Oct. 4, 2002. Mrs. Mink was interred here based on
her husband's eligibility.
Clara H. Nelson, Section U, Grave 653-A, interred on Dec. 17, 1979, was known throughout the Islands as "Hilo Hattie".
Ellison S. Onizuka, Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Air Force, Section D,
Grave 1, interred on June 2, 1986. An astronaut aboard the ill-fated
Challenger when it exploded on liftoff on Jan. 28, 1986.
Ernest Taylor Pyle, Seaman Third Class, U.S. Navy, Section D, Grave
109, interred on July 19, 1949. Pyle, a World War II correspondent, was
killed by a Japanese sniper on Ie Shima, an island off the northern
coast of Okinawa on April 18, 1945. He was awarded the Purple Heart by
former President Ronald Reagan.
Charles Lacy Veach, Colonel, U.S. Air Force, Court 3, Wall J, Niche
233, inurned on Sept. 10, 1995, was an astronaut. He was awarded the
Purple Heart for wounds received in action in Vietnam.
I had my battles and reporters mixed up. Ernie Pyle was a war correspondent and did receive the Pulitzer Prize, but he died on the Okinawan island of Lejima and not Iwo Jima as I first believed. Joe Rosenthalwas the photographer that took the famous picture of the 5 Marines and one Naval Corpsman raising the American flag at the top of Mt. Suribachi. |
I've been told by park rangers that this is the 1st grave in Punchbowl. |