Today turned out to be a pretty busy photography day. I began the day at Keehi Lagon watching and photographing the Hawaii Canoe Racing Association's Hui Wa'a Championship. Then I went to Jean's condominium for a poolside party. Finally I got myself down to Hawaii Kai Town Center for the East End Hot Rod Show.
The East End Hot Rod Show was pretty impressive. They gave us a scare at the beginning because all we could see were about 5 cars. As soon as Costco closed at 6pm the parking lot began to clear out and hot rod after hot rod began driving in. The setting sun helped to give a nice ambient light to shoot with.
The pool is on the top floor of Jean's condo building. There was plenty to eat and the company was very good.
There are two guys climbing the antenna. Click on the second image for a larger view.
Keehi Lagoon and the canoe races.
Becky's team did very well and won a medal.
Wow, how many hot rods do you think showed up. There are 10 here. Great shots
You missed out on this one. There were upwards of 50 hot rods on site. It was a really good show.
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