Saturday, August 7, 2010

Hector Wong's Mango Rose Cake

Look at the size of this's humongus. This variety is from Florida and I'm told the trees don't get much larger than 10' high and bears about 50 fruit per season. The fruit weighs around 2lbs but I have no idea how it tastes. Seedling and/or fruit can be purchased from Frankies in Waimanalo.

My friend Hector Wong of The Little Yellow Kitchen gave a demonstration today in the art of making a Mango Rose Cake.

Here's what the finished product should look like.

Here's Hector showing off his creation.

Then we dug in and ate what Hector had created. Surprisingly there was enough for everyone to sample a piece. The cake is a deliciously decadent mixture of chocolate and mango...mmmmmmmmmmm!!!

Here's the link to The Little Yellow Kitchen's facebook page.

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