Friday, September 24, 2010

Canon Power Shot S95

My new toy came in today...a Canon Power Shot S95 point and shoot.  This model is just below the G12 and has the same powerful processor and sensor.  It has a full array of manual features and can shoot in RAW format.  Here's a link for a review of the camera:

Although it can shoot in RAW, Adobe and Macintosh still have no support for the format.  Maybe they are waiting for the G12 to begin selling before they make the necessary updates.

Anyway, here are some test shots I took of this evenings sunset.

I was curious as to how the camera would handle in low light so I went back out and shot some night shots using only available light.  I did have to use Topaz Denoise program to clean thing up a bit, but again I'm impressed.  All these were shot hand held.

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