Saturday, December 15, 2012

12-12-15 OPMUG Makakilo Sunrise

Quite some time ago I did an evening shoot from the sloping hills of Makakilo.  It wasn't very successful but I returned this morning with a group from OPMUG to see if the sunrise would be any better.  The whole thing was a crap shoot, it had rained most of last evening and wasn't looking real promising as Don and I drove up to the shooting location. 

Imaging my surprise to find three people waiting when we got there. 

It was still dark but the sky was beginning to show just a bit of color.

Way in the background, right side you can just make out the shape of Diamond Head.  The sky was just beginning to light up.

I turned around to shoot the road and Booker showed up just as the long exposure was beginning.

These bushes are actually on the next ridge over.  The sky was beginning to show more promise.

Looking down on the H1 Freeway.  

It began to rain so I got my umbrella out turned around and took another shot up the road.  My lens has some raindrops on it... 

Imagine my surprise to learn that I had captured Don's feet as he walked back from his car.

Looking at the H1 Freeway again but now there's more light.  Just to the right, off center are two twin towers.  I live just about 1/2 a mile up from them.

Looking towards Downtown Honolulu, Waikiki and Diamond Head.  The sun has already risen and is hiding behind the clouds.

Zoomed in on the sun and Diamond Head.  

Got some sunbeams here. That's Honolulu in the background.

One more time looking down the H1 Freeway.  Thte sun has risen the sky is blue and the Koolaus are covered with rain clouds.

Stepped back a bit to take this shot of our intrepid crew.

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