Monday, May 13, 2013

2013-05-11 OPMUG Makapu'u Lighthouse Stars & Milkyway

Went hiking on Saturday evening with my friends in OPMUG.  The idea was to try and catch the rising Milky Way Galaxy since there would be virtually no moon that evening.  Mother nature had other plans and there was a threat of rain and the resulting cloud cover through much of the evening. 

I had offered to give some people a lift to the hike and the plan was to meet at Kanewai Park at 5pm then head out to the event.  Because I arrived early I wandered the park, relived some old memories and took some pictures.

Although these benches were a bit overgrown, the grounds maintenance crew were busy cutting the grass and maintaining the other baseball diamond. 

Wasn't sure if this is someones idea of art or their residence.

Manoa stream

A huge thank you to Juro for once again loaning me his wide lens, couldn't have gotten these without it.


Lisa Van Dyken said...

WOW Stan I love all of these but especially the stars! Lisa V

Lisa Van Dyken said...

Lovely starshine!

pcsty said...

Thanks Lisa, really do appreciate. :-)