Wednesday, September 26, 2012

12-09-23 KOMPT Kamehame Ridge Hike

Sunday morning I hiked with the KOMPT beginners hiking group to Kamehame Ridge.   The weather was wet and the sky was overcast...perfect weather for photography.

Juro beginning his time lapse...

Edison aka "Son Cat" put on his game face for the hike.

Ali and kids just before they called it quits.

The road to Calvary


Careful Myk, the curves can't see you.

Couldn't decide on this...color or b&w.

Pretty clean, huh?

Mass "Shaka's"

Booker modeled for us.

Mel (our fearless leader) and Booker with the Hawaiian Flag.   Venimus, Vidimus, Vicimus!

Richard & Lynn showing our colors.

Master Mike at work.

I liked this panorama but there a a couple places it seriously needs additional work on.

Juro trusting his tripod.

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