Tuesday, February 5, 2013

13-01-31 Kakaako Shoreline Park Hawaii Fire Artists

I had lunch today with Phuong, my calabash daughter.  We hadn't seen each other since her trip to Okinawa in November so we spent the time catching up. 

Arrived early for lunch so I spent the extra time, at the Hawaii State Art Museum, taking pictures.   Was pleasantly surprised to learn that they don't mind if you photograph the exhibits, just no using a flash.

This turned out a lot better than I thought it would.  Really pleased with the black in the shot.

Took a number of shots of this.  The sun was at just the right angle to create this interplay of light and dark.  

This fountain looks so much better on it's side.

Never seen feathers on a dove's feet before.

Saw a post on facebook stating that the Hawaii Fire Artists would be holding a practice burn this evening for their Chinese New Year festivity performance.  It's been awhile since I attended their Kakaako Thursday night fire jam practice sessions.

This flame looks like a dragon to me.

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